Undergraduate study of Polytechnics

Name of study: Full-time Undergraduate study of Polytechnics (one-subject study)

Level of study: undergraduate study

Type of study: full-time single-major study

Length of study: 6 semesters

ECTS-points acquired through study: 180 ECTS-points


About study: In the undergraduate study of Polytechnics, students acquire the bachelor's degree in Polytechnics. During the course of study, students are introduced to Polytechnics as applied science: students gain a broad knowledge of various technics and technologies. The study focuses on developing the technical thinking. Thanks to a very large share of practical work, students are preparing to organize and run laboratory lectures. Throughout the study, students acquire natural-mathematical, informatics, technological and organizational knowledge, which assures them employment in computer centers, state administration and business enterprises. If the student, after acquiring bachelor's degree, wants to continue the study, he can enroll in a double-major graduate study of Polytechnics and Informatics, at the University of Rijeka.


Competences obtained by completing the study and the possibility of employment after graduation: After completing the Undergraduate Study of Polytechnics, students acquire the academic title of Bachelor of Polytechnics, and are trained to organize and run laboratories and perform practical lectures in the field of Polytechnics in all elementary and high schools in the Republic of Croatia. By acquiring the academic title of Bachelor of Polytechnics, students can establish communities of technical culture in the Republic of Croatia and participate in their work.


Possibility of continuing education: After completing the undergraduate study, it is possible to continue the education on the Double-major graduate study of Polytechnics and Informatics (at Department of Polytechnics in Rijeka).


Study program: