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Otvoreno je nekoliko registracija za različite edukacije za osoblje i studente u sklopu aktivnosti YUFE saveza sveučilišta.

1. YUFE Akademija (za studente i osoblje)
YUFE Akademija je serija predavanja sa svih YUFE sveučilišta koja će se od 2020.
godine održavati jednom godišnje. U trenutnim okolnostima YUFE Akademija održat će
se u online formatu, a sastoji se od ukupno 20 predavanja namijenjenih i otvorenih
za sve zainteresirane. Ovogodišnja tema YUFE Akademije s kojom su povezane teme svih
uključenih predavanja jest Europski identitet i odgovornost u globalnom svijetu.
Više informacija o predavanjima i registraciji možete pronaći na sljedećoj

2. Webinar o mogućnostima za osoblje u sklopu YUFE Staff Journey (za osoblje)
The Young Universities of the Future of Europe (YUFE), an alliance of 10
universities commits itself to build one of the first European Universities. This is
a fascinating and ambitious process which offers many opportunities to students and
staff of its member universities. In the frame of the YUFE staff journey staff
members will have various opportunities for trainings, job shadowing and other
learning formats which enable them to participate in and contribute to the creation
of YUFE.
In this webinar, participants from all YUFE Universities will learn what YUFE is
about and what the YUFE staff journey offers to them. Questions such as how to
initiate a YUFE staff mobility, how to find one’s counterparts, where to find the
staff mobility offers or how to apply for funding for staff mobility will be in the
core of the webinar.

Target group: Staff members from YUFE partner universities
Timeframe: 45 min programme + 15 min Q &A
· Welcome Words and Introduction of the Concept of the YUFE staff journey (10
minutes) (by leadership)
· YUFE Staff Development Policy – (10 min)
· Overview of the existing staff training offers and presentation of the offers on
the YUFE website, including Talent and Experts portal (10-15 minutes)
· Practical information on funding through Erasmus staff mobility (10 minutes)
· Q & A (10 minutes)
· Wrap-up including appeal to get engaged in YUFE, e.g. by organising a staff week.
2-5 minutes
Date: October 29, 1-2 pm (CEST)
Zoom link:

3. Treninzi transverzalnih vještina za osoblje i studente (za studente i osoblje)
Sveučilište "Nicolaus Copernicus" u Torunu (Poljska) organizira seriju treninga
transverzalnih vještina koji su besplatno dostupni svom osoblju i studentima YUFE
sveučilišta. Registracije su otvorene od 21. listopada do 30. listopada, a
detaljnije informacije o prijavi, kao i popis dostupnih treninga, možete vidjeti na