Full-time graduate study of Polytechnics and Informatics

Name of study: Full-time graduate study of Polytechnics and Informatics (double-major study in fixed combination)

Level of study: graduate study

Type of study: full-time double-major study

Length of study: 4 semesters

ECTS-points acquired through study: 120 ECTS-points


About study: Graduate study of Polytechnics and Informatics is teaching double-major study in fixed combination. It is performed in collaboration with the Department of Informatics of the University of Rijeka. At the Graduate study of Polytechnics and Informatics, the students gain a broad knowledge from scientific branches of Polytechnics and informatics, as well as the methodological and educational knowledge necessary for successful transferring of the same knowledge to elementary and high school students. Thanks to a very large share of practical work, during the course of the studies, students are also being prepared to organize practical classes in the laboratory, in the fields of Polytechnics, Physics and Informatics in elementary and high schools. Throughout the study, students acquire natural-mathematical, pedagogical-psychological, informatics, technologicy and organizational knowledge, which assures them to find employment as elementary and high school teachers, but also employment in computer centers, state administration and business enterprises.


Competences obtained by completing the study and the possibility of employment after graduation: After completing the Graduate Study of Polytechnics and informatics, students acquire the academic title of Master of Polytechnics and Informatics education, and are trained to perform lectures of relevant subjects in all elementary and high schools in the Republic of Croatia. By acquiring the academic title of Master of Polytechnics and Informatics, students can establish communities of technical culture in the Republic of Croatia and participate in their work.


Possibility of continuing education: After completing the graduate study it is possible to continue the education at the appropriate doctoral studies.


Study program: